February 12, 2025

Navigating Furnace and A/C Issues

A guide to help tenants navigate Furnace and A/C Issues.

Types of Furnaces

A furnace heats air that is distributed throughout the house via a blower motor and the home's duct system. This is also called a "Forced Air Furnace".

A boiler uses hot water to heat your home. Hot water boilers distribute heat through small hot water pipes using a pump to heat baseboard, cast iron radiators, or radiant flooring systems.

If you live in a single-family home there is a central furnace in the basement that heats the entire house. It is either a forced air furnace or a boiler. If you live in a multi-unit building, it's possible that the furnace or boiler is shared and provides heat to the entire building.

Air Conditioning

If you have a forced-air furnace you may also have central air conditioning. A central air conditioner runs in conjunction with the furnace and has an outdoor metal cabinet that contains the condenser and compressor, and an indoor cabinet contains the evaporator. It uses the heat ducts to blow cold air throughout the house.

window air conditioner is sometimes referred to as a room air conditioner, which is mounted in windows or walls. The evaporator side is located facing the room for cooling the space and the condenser side outdoor for heat rejection. Please read our Guide on Installing a Window Air Conditioner before installing one.

As the weather gets warmer, you may be tempted to turn on your A/C system. However, running the system when it's consistently under 55 degrees outside can damage or even break the system as it greatly reduces the life of the compressor and evaporation coil as there's no heat to dissipate.

For you to turn on your A/C, the weather should consistently be above 55 degrees (including overnight) is required for you to be able to turn on your A/C system. Otherwise, you may be responsible for any damages to the A/C system. We typically suggest waiting until mid-April to use your A/C system again.


A thermostat is located somewhere in your house or building that controls the temperature.

If there is central air conditioning there will be away to switch from "Heat" to "Cool". You will need to move the switch on the thermostat depending on if you want the furnace to be running (heat) or the air conditioner to be running (cool). Many also have an option for "Fan" that is simply a way to circulate air throughout the property, not cool or heat your house.

If you are a part of a apartment building these settings will be control by management.

Furnace Filters

Tenants are responsible for replacing and maintaining the condition of the furnace and/or AC filters as needed if accessible. Baker Street recommends replacing all filters at least four (4) times per year to ensure systems are kept clean and in good-working condition. Tenants shall be responsible for all fees caused by damage due from negligence. Please read our guide on How to Change a Furnace Filter for more information. Each furnace has a different filter size.

If your Furnace or A/C is not working

Here are some steps you can take if your furnace or air conditioner is not working:

• Double-check to be sure the thermostat is set to the setting you want-for furnace to be running (heat) or the air conditioner to be running (cool).

• Turn the unit off. Do not just increase or decrease the temperature with the thermostat. Please turn off the unit entirely and let it reset for an hour.

Replace your air filters. Clogged filters interfere with airflow and most furnaces and A/C units have a safety that will turn the system off if the filter is clogged. A new filter needs to be installed and the entire thing needs to be turned off for a minimum of 6 hours. If you have a window or through-the-wall A/C unit, then the filter is washable and reusable.

• If any supply vents in your home are closed, open them to allow air flow through. Make sure to open vents in unused rooms as well.

• Make sure that your return vents and your air ducts are kept clear and unblocked.

If after trying all of these things your furnace or A/C is still not working please contact us and we are glad to send maintenance. Please understand that we do not deem Air Conditioning not working as an emergency. We understand it can be an inconvenience, and trust that we are doing our best to promptly resolve the issue.

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